Dimanchev, E., S. Gabriel, L. Reichenberg, and M. Korpås. 2024. Consequences of the Missing Risk Market Problem for Power System Emissions. Energy Economics 136. (Open access). Replication files.

Dimanchev, E., S.-E. Fleten, S. Gabriel, and M. Korpås. 2024. Effects of Electricity Sector Climate Policies in a Second-best World of Missing Risk Markets . Findings. (Open access)

Dimanchev, E., S.-E. Fleten, D. MacKenzie, and M. Korpås. 2023. Accelerating electric vehicle charging investments: A real options approach to policy design. Energy Policy 181. (Open access)

Dimanchev, E. and C.R. Knittel. 2023. Designing climate policy mixes: Analytical and energy system modeling approaches. Energy Economics 122. (Open access)

Dimanchev, E., D. Qorbani, M. Korpas. 2022. Electric vehicle adoption dynamics on the road to deep decarbonization. Book chapter in “The 4Ds of Energy Transition: Decarbonization, Decreasing use, Decentralization, and Digitalization”. Wiley. (Access: get in touch for a copy)

Dimanchev, E., J. Hodge, J. Parsons. 2021. The role of hydropower reservoirs in deep decarbonization policy. Energy Policy 155. (Access: get in touch for a copy; working paper; public proceedings comment; presentation; code and data)

Dimanchev, E., S. Paltsev, M. Yuan, D. Rothenberg, C.W. Tessum, J.D. Marshall, N.E. Selin. 2019. Health Co-Benefits of Sub-National Renewable Energy Policy in the U.S. Environmental Research Letters 14. (Open access; testimony for the Ohio Senate)

Other papers

Calder, R., E. Dimanchev, S. Cohen, R. McManamay. 2024. Decision support for U.S. – Canada energy integration is impaired by fragmentary environmental and electricity system modeling capacity. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 4.

Martin, J., E. Dimanchev, A, Neumann. 2023. Carbon abatement costs for renewable fuels in hard-to-abate transport sectors. Advances in Applied Energy 12.

Working papers

Dimanchev, E., S.A. Gabriel, S-E. Fleten, F. Pecci, M. Korpås. 2024. Choosing Climate Policies in a Second-best World with Incomplete Markets: Insights from a Bilevel Power System Model. MIT CEEPR Working Paper Series. WP 2024-14.


Green et al. (contributing author) 2019. Insights Into Future Mobility. A report from the Mobility of the Future study. MIT Energy Initiative.

Mehling M. and E. Dimanchev. 2017. Achieving the Mexican Mitigation Targets: Options for an Effective Carbon Pricing Policy Mix. Report for the German-Mexican Climate Alliance

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2014- Look before you leap: analysis on the design of the Market Stability Reserve

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2014 - Winds of Reform: Examining the design parameters of the Market Stability Reserve

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2016 - EU Climate Ambition - Falling Short of Long-term Targets 

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2016 - Animal Spirits versus the Big Picture: Why the outlook for the carbon price is still bullish

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2016 - California Dreaming: Implications of an EU ETS Price Floor

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2015 - EU ETS Phase 4 Proposal: Learning to Share

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2014 - Carbon Market Survey 2015 - Consolidation Is The New Trend

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2015 - 2030 EU Carbon Price Forecast: Peering Through The Political Fog

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2014 - Carbon Market Survey 2014 - Into Smoother Waters

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2013 - Carbon Market Survey 2013 - At a tipping point

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2012 - Cloudy skies ahead for aviation in the EU ETS

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2012 - California-Acre partnership - setting the stage for compliance REDD credits

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (contributing author) 2012 - Carbon Market Survey 2012 - A market waiting for Godot

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon (lead author) 2012 - Phase 3 allocation: racing against the clock


Dimanchev, E. 2018 - Air Quality Co-benefits of Renewable Energy Policy in the U.S. - Master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, IDSS (Sept, 2018) - Granted Best Thesis in Technology and Policy award (2019)

Dimanchev, E. 2011 - Biodiversity Conservation Through REDD+ - Senior Thesis, Colorado College - Granted Most Outstanding Thesis in Economics award